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    Wednesday, April 21, 2021

    Passion fruit, Aloe vera, Sweet Annie

    Some of the plants described here are also toxic (poisonous), and may cause serious reactions if you change the recipe, or use the plants inappropriately. Anumber of the symptoms and diseases mentioned, such as cough and diabetes, may reveal serious underlying conditions. Whenever possible, people should first consult a health worker or doctor.

    We strongly recommend the use of accurate weighing scales. If these are not available, dry the leaves and then remove all stems by rubbing over mosquito wire. 5g of dried leaves is approximately equivalent to the amount that will fit, firmly pressed, into a plastic 35mm film canister. Please monitor the effectiveness of your treatment by using microscopes and other equipment available in health centres.

    Passion fruit - Passiflora edulis

    To treat: Sleeplessness, anxiety and spasms (cramps)
    Make a tincture from 10g of dried young leaves in 100ml of alcohol.
    Dose: Use 30 drops 1–3 times daily.

    To treat: Asthma and as a sedative (also for the previous conditions)
    Make a decoction by boiling 1 large handful of young leaves in 1 litre of water.
    Dose: Drink 1 litre of the decoction during the day. 
    To treat: Sleeplessness

    Make a decoction by boiling 1 handful of young leaves in just 1 cup of water for 10 minutes.
    Dose: Drink each evening.

    Sweet Annie - Sweet wormwood, Artemisia annua

    To treat: Malaria
    Preparation: Pour 1 litre of boiling water over 5g of dried leaves or 25g of fresh leaves.
    Dose: Divide tea into 4 equal amounts and drink at 6 hourly intervals. Some sugar or honey may be needed to sweeten the tea. Make each day for 7 days. Never give to pregnant women and only use with young children under medical supervision.

    To treat: Coughs, colds and sinus problems
    Inhale the vapour from hot artemisia tea for 10 minutes, 3 times a day.

     Neem - Azadirachta indica

    To treat: Malaria
    Make 1 litre of tea with 5g dried leaves or 40 fresh single, small leaves (not whole bunches).
    Dose: Drink 1 litre of tea during the day.

    To treat: Sleeping sickness
    Dose: In addition to the recommended medical drugs, drink 1 litre of tea each day.

    To treat: Head lice
    Make a tincture with 10g dried neem leaves and 100ml alcohol and leave for 7 days.
    Dose: Use the tincture as a hair lotion 3 times a day for 5 days. Or pound some neem seeds into a paste.Wash the hair each evening and then rub about 1 teaspoon of the paste into the hair and leave until the next evening. Repeat as necessary.


    To treat: Skin problems such as acne, fungal infections, psoriasis, scabies and eczema
    Make an ointment with 10g of neem oil and 100g of ointment (recipe on p7) or make a tincture using 20g dried leaves and 100g alcohol 70% and leave to soak for a week.
    Dose: Apply ointment or mix 1 teaspoon of the tincture with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and rub into affected areas.

    To treat: Infected burns
    Preparation: Make a decoction with a handful of fresh leaves in 1 litre of water. Filter while still very hot to avoid contamination and cool.
    Dose: Use to wash the infected burn. Keep the patient under a mosquito net to avoid new infection.

    Aloe - Aloe vera, Aloe ferox, Aloe arborenscens

    To treat: Burns
    Cut and wash one leaf. Sterilise a knife in boiling water and cut away the ends and sides of the leaf, then cut through the middle to leave a large surface from the inside of the leaf.
    Dose: Rub the juicy side all over the burn. Repeat 4 times a day.



    To treat: Wounds and ulcers
    Dose: Again, rub the juicy side over the ulcer 4 times a day, but also use the pawpaw treatment described above.


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