King of Thieves is a 2018 British crime film based on the Hatton Garden safe deposit burglary of 2015. Directed by James Marsh, the film stars Michael Caine, Tom Courtenay, Michael Gambon, Charlie Cox, Jim Broadbent, Paul Whitehouse and Ray Winstone.
Cracks between the misfit gang members begin to show as they argue over how to share the goods, and they become increasingly distrustful of each other. Brian is excluded by the group and, not realising the true value of the haul, the gang makes several mistakes. These help the police to identify, track, and finally arrest the gang members, with only the younger Basil evading arrest and escaping the country. All the others are remanded in custody and await their trial with equanimity.
The main bulk of the scenes were filmed in central London and around Margate, Kent, including scenes at the Wig and Pen Pub, the Nayland Rock Hotel, Harbour Arm in Margate, outside the Turner Contemporary, and a scene at Margate railway station. Abbott's Cliff in Dover can also be spotted in the train scene where Brian Reader (Michael Caine) travels to Margate.
- Michael Caine as Brian Reader
- Jim Broadbent as Terry Perkins
- Tom Courtenay as John Kenny Collins
- Charlie Cox as Basil/Michael Seed
- Paul Whitehouse as Carl Wood
- Michael Gambon as Billy "The Fish" Lincoln
- Ray Winstone as Danny Jones
- Francesca Annis as Lynne Reader